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About Love One Another Preschool


Tuition Not Required

Love One Another Preschool is a ministry of Living Word Lutheran Church, a mission outreach to our community. Just as Jesus came to serve and not to be served, giving everything to us and receiving only our love and trust in return, the church desires to serve and show love to our neighbors without expecting anything more than their love and trust in return.


Hours of Operation

Classes are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 am to Noon. 


Purpose Of The Preschool

Love One Another Preschool strives to assist families to develop and nurture spiritual, social, physical, cognitive, creative, and emotional growth in their young children through teaching and modeling centered on God’s Word, to help them become productive members of God’s kingdom, in this world and in eternity.

Philosophy And Goals

We recognize that each child is a unique gift given by God and that children learn best when parents and school staff work together towards common goals for the benefit of each child. All subjects in our school are taught from the perspective of, and in accordance with, the Word of God as revealed in Holy Scriptures, and understood by Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.

We strive to:

  • Lead the child to appreciate the wonders of God’s creation and His great love for him/her in sending Jesus as Savior. 

  • Grow in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word

  • Foster independent thought and creativity

  • Provide intellectual stimulation

  • Assist in the development of self-control

  • Encourage socialization and relationship skills–sharing, caring, loving, and kindness

  • Promote physical development, fine and gross motor skills, and health and self-health practices

  • Help each child to learn more about our world

  • Increase kindergarten readiness skills


Contact Us

We are excited to announce that Love One Another Preschool will be opening its doors on August 16, 2023! 

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